Drying your clothes with an electric or gas-powered dryer may be convenient, but it is also expensive. It can cost up to $400 per year in electricity costs if you only use the machine about once every two weeks. In addition, dryers use up more energy than air drying, so they cost more money and harm the environment, too.
It doesn't sound easy, but you can use a few simple ways to dry your clothes quickly without using a dryer. A more economical way of drying your clothes is by air-drying them outside under the sun using an outdoor clothesline, or you can purchase an indoor drying rack. You may also opt to use an indoor electric heater, which will help speed up the drying process. If you don't have any way to hang your clothes out, you can also use an old-fashioned box fan for quick and easy drying.
So if you want to save time and money or reduce your carbon footprint, this blog post is perfect for you!
Check Out: Topline Clothesline vs Clothes Dryer
How to Dry My Clothes Quickly without A Dryer?
Use A High Speed Settings
When it comes to drying your clothes without a dryer, remove the excess water before they are hung up to get a better and faster drying time. You could wring them out in a high spin setting on your washing machine. Another option is to wring them by hand. Also, do not overfill your washer since it would leave everything damp after the cycle.
The Energy Saving Trust states that the additional energy used to do this process is nothing compared to the amount of energy needed for a tumble dryer.
However, for smaller pieces of garments like socks, you may use a salad spinner to get the excess water off. The spinning should make it substantially faster to ensure they're not so waterlogged and heavy with liquid.
Two Towel Tricks
Try one or both of these two towel tricks after you have taken the clothes out of the washing machine to get rid of excess moisture:
Wrap your clothes in a dry, clean towel and roll them into a sausage shape to wring out excess moisture. To do this, lay the clothing item on top of a large clean towel. Then, roll it up into a sausage with the garment inside and twist both ends tightly to squeeze out the excess water from your clothes into the towel. You may repeat the process with another clean towel if needed. Additionally, you may place a paper towel over the wet clothing before rolling it up for extra absorption.
Put your garment on an ironing board, as you will iron them, but lay a towel on top of it. Press the towel using high heat, and make sure to flip it, so both sides are pressed. It directs some warmth into the garment without causing any damage associated with putting a hot iron directly on a wet garment. It will also help get the creases out.Give Enough Room when Hanging on The Clothesline
Your clothes will dry faster if you set up a line outdoors. However, this is not always possible since most apartments prohibit you from hanging your clothes outside. Thus, drying racks are your next best bet in a pinch.
To ensure that everything dries well, try to hang items individually to have room for air circulation on the rack or hanger. Don't just pile all of them together. If you use an individual bar drying rack or hanger, make sure to hang those thick pieces of garments over two bars instead of one; it'll help more air circulate on these parts, which should lead to better results as long as there's enough space left open for other clothing items too.
Position Your Drying Rack in The Right Location
If you want to dry your clothes fast, it is best to put the rack near a heat source such as radiators or boilers. Avoid placing them in humid environments like bathrooms and kitchens, where they will take longer to dry. alternatively, place the clothing on racks close enough to an open window or by a fan so air can pass through, resulting in quicker drying times.
You may have noticed that your clothes are taking a while to dry. is this because you're not rotating them? Air drying can take hours, so make sure to turn and move the garment around regularly. Also, pay attention, especially to the pockets, underarms, collars, and cuffs. These areas are usually neglected and remain damp for a long time.
Using a Hairdryer
When you are pressed in time, a quick tip for drying clothes quickly is to use a hairdryer. First, get the wet clothing as dry as possible by wringing it and then place it on your coat hanger before using the hairdryer. Start with one side of an article or from top to bottom to air out all pockets and sleeves. Rotate it frequently so that there are no damp spots left behind once you've finished blow-drying each garment front side out backside up.
Make sure the temperature is not too high because this could damage the fibres and may cause shrinkage. Moreover, do not point the hairdryer on one area for too long as it may cause the clothes to be too hot and it could burn or catch fire.
Check Out: How Well Does a Hair Dryer Dry Clothes?
How Long Does It Take to Dry Clothes without A Dryer?
The average time it takes for clothes to dry depends on the material, size and drying environment. For example, clothes take an average of 2 to 4 hours to dry when drying outside or near a sunny window with a light breeze. However, if you are drying indoors, the process takes much longer, around one to 24 hours, depending on material and size.
How Can I Dry My Clothes Indoors in The Winter?
The best time to air dry clothes is during the warmer months of the year, but what about winter? It becomes challenging to hang our freshly washed clothes outside and let them dry in the breeze in winter. Luckily some ways can help you continue your air drying. In particular, heaters and fans will make it possible for you to keep drying in cold weather.
The First Tip for Hanging Laundry Indoors Is Finding the Sunniest Part of Your Largest Room and Putting It There so That They Have Available Sunlight All Day Long While Also Allowing More Airflow.
It's a bad idea to hang your clothes in the basement. A basement is often poorly ventilated, which means it's more susceptible to high levels of moisture. In addition, it has less sunlight and airflow, which can lead to intense humidity problems. If you live with high humidity levels year-round, invest in a dehumidifier to dry your laundry more quickly or improve indoor air quality.
Next, using a foldable drying rack is ideal because it provides ample space for different garments to hang up and air out. in addition, it can dry your clothes faster when they are not touching, so it is essential to have enough room for your laundry when being air-dried.
Lastly, make use of the heating sources at home. Drying clothes inside during the winter can be tricky. You could take advantage of your radiators and boilers to dry your laundry faster by putting the drying rack close to it. it provides all of the essential qualities needed: namely warmth and air circulation.
Benefits of Drying Clothes Indoor

- Environment-Friendly: Line drying clothes is a great way to save on energy, money and the environment. By switching from using a clothes dryer to air-drying after washing, you could reduce your home's carbon footprint by 1,089 kilograms per year!
- Gentle on Clothes: Line drying your clothes may seem like a tedious chore, but the benefits of this method are worth the effort. It is the gentlest way to dry clothing since it avoids excessive heat and stretching that can damage fabrics. This practice also reduces wear and tear on seams caused by tumbling in your dryer. Line drying will keep your garments from shrinking or withering each time they get dried, saving money because it cuts down on having to buy new clothes due to wear and tear from using machines rather than hanging them out in nature's elements where everything is less harsh.
- Wrinkle-free: Hanging your clothes on a line to dry is the best way for them to be wrinkle-free and maintain their shape. Hang it up in a windy place, so you don't get any wrinkles from using the dryer!
- Saves you money: Air drying your clothes not only saves you money on utility bills but is also better for the environment. Air-dried clothing requires less energy to process than using a dryer which means that it has lower carbon emissions and other pollutants in its production cycle.
- Keeps clothes smell fresh and odour-free: Line drying clothes deliver a fresher, cleaner smell and retain colour and garment shape. Those with sensitive skin need to use line dried items because the fresh air is free of harmful chemicals like perfumes or dyes, often found in dryer sheets.
- Physical activity: Hanging up laundry is a physical activity that can be done inside or outside. Fifteen minutes of hanging clothes, taking them off the line and carrying sheets to their designated location burns 68 calories.
- Whitens and disinfects the laundry: Line drying the clothes in the sun can not only make them whiter, but it also disinfects. This process mainly benefits white sheets and towels that are line-dried outside. Remember is to keep any dark colours from direct sunlight since too much exposure will cause some of their colour pigment to fade.
Is It Better to Dry Clothes Inside or Outside?
It's difficult to say for sure, but the condition of a wet object depends on many factors. For example, the drying rate of a damp garment relies on the temperature, humidity and airflow.
Temperature: Wet clothes will dry faster when they are hung outside in the sun versus wet clothes that hang inside. The same is true for warm days instead of cold ones. It also applies if there isn't a lot of wind blowing up against them or anything else interfering with their drying process.
Humidity: The drier the air, the faster clothes will dry. a room with little moisture is better for drying wet laundry than one that's damp. The same goes when you dry your clothes outdoors on a humid day when the air is saturated with water vapour. Your garments stay soaked for much longer than usual.
Airflow: The air flowing past the surface of a wet object speeds up evaporation. More accurately, with lower humidity, it will speed up this process. The stronger the wind blows is across an object, the faster it dries. So when the wet clothes are hung up to dry, they will dry faster in the breeze than when there is no wind at all, and all the other factors being equal.
Therefore, it is better to hang your clothes outside in a sunny, dry, hot, and windy climate with all these factors considered.
Is It Better to Air Dry or Use a Dryer?
To know which is better, let's discuss the pros and cons of each.
Air drying Is good for the environment, it saves you money, and your clothes look great. In addition, air-drying is an easy way to reduce wrinkles in the fabric and keep clothing from shrinking or fading as quickly over time compared with drying them in a dryer.
Even though it is a great way to air-dry your clothes, many people find that hanging them outside can be time consuming and inconvenient. In addition, you will need space for all of the clothing you'd like to dry on hangers or lines strung up in front of windows where sunshine pours through every day. if this isn't an option because you live in cramped quarters such as urban apartments, consider other factors before deciding whether drying laundry outdoors might work best for you: how cloudy it usually is during humid months; snowfall, poorly ventilated rooms with high humidity levels which can cause mould spores flourishing everywhere can trigger asthma symptoms, among other health concerns.
You'll save time with a Dryer Because you spend less time waiting for your clothes to complete drying. You also won't have to worry about spending more precious hours of the day ironing.
One of the most significant drawbacks to using a dryer is that they're expensive. Drying machines are pricey, and electricity bills also increase when you use them more often. Furthermore, while this might not seem like much at first glance - aside from occasional filter changes here and there - it's easy for these expenses to add up over time.
The carbon emissions created by dryers are bad for the environment, too. therefore, using them could have more than just financial consequences down the line once we factor everything in. but if you want to finish your laundry as quickly as possible, then an electric or gas dryer is your best option!
The carbon emissions produced by dryers are terrible for our environment and can have long-term consequences as well. But if you want to finish your laundry as quickly as possible, then an electric or gas dryer is your best option.
The best drying method depends on what you want. If time is a factor, a dryer may be the better option for you; but if energy efficiency and minimizing costs are your focus, air-drying suits you better.
Final thoughts
Dryers are expensive and not a necessity. They wear down your clothes and use tons of energy. If you are looking for a way to dry your clothes without using an expensive and energy-wasting appliance, indoor clotheslines are worth considering. A clothesline can easily be installed where it will not take up much space at all.
To know about the different indoor clotheslines available and which type of works best for your needs, give us a call now at 1300 991 266, or you may visit our website Https://toplineclotheslines.com.au/.